Besides being playful and all over the place, dogs are beautiful in that they can get to other useful tasks. They can take training well and take up roles that would require owners to abandon other tasks or hire labour to fulfil.
Guiding people with problems of getting around and mobility. Guide dogs are used mainly by people with visual impairment to get around. Mobility assistance dogs assist physically challenged people by fetching and carrying stuff, opening doors, operating switches, and such similar tasks.
Features of a Good Guide Dog
The basic trait to qualify for these tasks is an absence of timidity. This can be described as being sociable or aggressive depending on the extent of the task and the environment where it is to be carried out. If there is heavy fetching or supporting people with balance and gait issues, the strength of the dog comes into play.
Best Dogs For Guidance and Mobility Assistance
German Shepherds and Labradors fit the guide and mobility assistance bill perfectly. They are dogs that show courage without necessarily being violent. They are also strong cats, hence do not struggle to get the job done. Additionally, both take training very well.