Are you thinking of having breast enlargement? Maybe you have already had the procedure and are wondering how it will affect taking care of your dog. The reality is that you will need to make some adjustments to how you handle the care of your pets. Here are some tips on how to take care of your dogs after your breast enlargement surgery.
Avoid Chest Cuddles and Rough Play
Your dog may be used to resting on your chest and playing with you. You should avoid any pressure on your breast area until you are fully healed. This may be hard for you and your dog, especially if you were used to cuddling and playing all the time before the procedure. It helps for you to be in a different room or even another house away from your dog if you want to make things easier.
Get a Dog Sitter or Dog Walker
Doctors from professional sites like https://motiva.health/ always advise people who have had a breast enlargement procedure to have a lot of rest. Walking your dogs, especially if they are big and active, can take a strain on you. You should consider hiring someone to walk the dogs for you. Additionally, you can take the dogs to a sitter for the duration that you are recovering.
Plan Ahead
When you are planning for your breast enlargement, you should schedule things relating to your dog way in advance. Make sure you are caught up with the vet visits if needed. You should also stock up on their food. If you are going to need a sitter, you should start doing research to find out who is available.
The good news is that the recovery is fast if you get the procedure done by a professional. You will be able to take care of your dog soon enough.
General Dogs Info